Full stack

We build our applications from from a solid backend through to an understandable user interaction.

Experienced Researchers

Our research and development team has over 20+ of experience in academic research and teaching pedagogy.

Modern Tools

By staying up-to-date with our tools (React, React-Native, Apollo, GraphQL) our applications maintain top functionality for longer.


Comitting to modern tools and full-stack development means our applications work. Everytime.


Heritage Language Exam
proven with students and researchers

Long-term demonstration with Lehman College of CUNY.

Heritage language demographics

Our IR-based algorithms identify heritage speakers, their linguistic and cultural tells, and their appropraite levels in a classroom.

Robust Technology

Dynamic examination of language ability of the subject, allows the server to instantly change the difficulty or order of the exam.



A wide range of scores, demographic analysis, and opportunities for research on the student population.


Secure Instructor-only dashboard behind a custom URL is easy to use. Instructors can spend time focused on appropriate material.

Modern Mobile Technology

We have expertise in mobile technology, such as React-Native, and the associated backend for app creation.


Perfectly designed

We created Bushl+, a small-business all-mobile inventory solution for small food-producers. We are able to make custom applications, associated web applications, or many other consulting style projects.

Learn more

Our Team

The people at the belay station. Your Swordrulers.

Ross Martin-Wells, PhD

Atomic physics PhD. React, React Native, Frontend project lead, Physics pedagogy and lecturer.

Jeffrey Berger, PhD

Theoretical nuclear physics PhD. The Headmaster. 10+ years of full-stack computing and technology at startups through financial institutions: from backend development to CTO of a financial quant.

Adam del Cano

Our devious problem solver. Experience in Python, backend, fronted, and glory.

Hire the right people.

What our users say

Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.

"I cannot imagine going back to hand-grading over a hundred tests. With the SLHP are always done correctly, and I get all of the analysis I need to better understand my students."
Evelyn Durán-Urrea
Assistant Professor of Literature and Languages, Lehman College
"WO WOW WOW. This helped us publish papers and conference proceedings on quatitatively understanding the differences in teaching heritage speaks. It was invaluable."
Beatriz Lado
Associate Professor/Linguistics Program Director, Lehman College
"The backend work on a consulting job that Vega did for me was incredible. They really made me feel secure."
Jack DeLoach
Insanely good executive at Stripe

Contact Us

Reach out for the Exam setup or a quote for any new project.

78 W Sharpnack St
Philadelphia, PA, 19119

© 2022 VEGA LABS
Headlamp, Harness, ATC, python, a terminal, a shaker, and a steady supply of rum and opinions: What more do you need?